The study analysed the perception on moral values Among Senior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study had four objectives. The study was conducted with the objectives to examine the perception of the Islamic studies curriculum implementation for the acquisition of faithfulness among senior secondary school students in Kaduna State; examine the perception of Islamic studies curriculum on sincerity among senior secondary school students in Kaduna State; ascertain the perception of Islamic studies curriculum on modesty among students in senior secondary schools in Kaduna State; and examine the perception of Islamic studies curriculum on hard work among senior secondary school students in Kaduna State. Four research questions and four null hypotheses were postulated in line with the stated objectives. Relevant literatures were reviewed on the key variables of the study. The study adopted descriptive type of survey research design. The target population of the study comprised of 18,995 from Giwa, Kudan, Sabon Gari, Soba and Zaria Local Government respectively. The sample sizes of 378 students were used in the study. Data was collected using Implementation of Islamic Studies Curriculum on the Acquisition of Moral Values Among Students questionnaire (ISSCAMQ), the instrument was validated by the researcher‟s supervisors before it was subjected to a pilot study which provides a reliability estimate of 0.81. The data gathered were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. All the hypotheses were tested using chi-square at 0.05% level of significance. The study concluded that there was existence of significant difference on the perception of Islamic Studies curriculum on faithfulness among Senior Secondary School students in Kaduna State; there was significant influence of Islamic Studies curriculum implementation on sincerity among Senior Secondary School students in Kaduna State; there was existence of significant difference on the perception of Islamic Studies curriculum on modesty among Senior Secondary School students in Kaduna State; and there is significant
difference on the perception of Islamic Studies curriculum on hard work among Senior Secondary School students in Kaduna State. Based on the findings from this study, recommendations were made among others that Islamic Studies teachers should be encouraged to teach their students how to keep company with good peers as this will help to provide faithfulness among them and students should be encouraged to be to kind to others as this will help promote sincerity among them.